Thursday, February 3, 2011


I hate all this work....
i totally agree kitty
sometimes i just hate the fact that every single teacher thinks that every other teacher don't give us enough homework. i mean like err...?
i wish i could use this

Don't teacher's realize that hw = paper so..
for the planet!

trees really are hurting becoz of HW!
but if we use these reasons teachers will give us homeworks using p.points and microsoft excel and etc,,
maybe we could use..
hehe smart kid  >.^ winks to YOU
or maybe i could use my 23 cats & kittens...
student: umm.. tech? my cat ate my hw
tech: oh.. thats a new one why did your cat eat it?
student: becoz i don't have a dog
or maybe i should just DO MY HW
teacher i think homework just damaged my brain FOREVER
or maybe i will just
heyh don't misunderstand i'm doing my hw in my BLOG

or maybe just
i am dreamin up the answers to this equation

so yeah
i guess either one is bound to happen haha :)
tata bloggy <3
sleep sweet..~~

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